Aram Anbin Adaiyalam "Aram Seiya Virumbu", A famous quote from Aathichoodi written by Tamil Poet Avvaiyar, which means we must always wish to do good things and also we have to do good for others. As an inspiration of the above quote, to save humanity and to do welfare to society Aram Anbin Adaiyalam trust is formed. BECOME A VOLUNTEER KNOW MORE

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"Aram Anbin Adaiyalam" - Trust to Save Humanity

Aram Anbin Adaiyalam trust is started to provide the basic needs for the physically and mentally challenged people

To provide food for the homeless citizens, To create awareness among the people on environment, Providing counselling activities and fundraising for the noble causes.
To Build social responsibility. To Help Physically challenged people and Mentally challenged children.
Hunger free nation. Educational, Medical & Social Assistance to poor children and needy.

Our exciting events

Here are our exciting events...would be great to see you at the next one!
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Team Behind Aram Anbin Adaiyalam

Our work would not be possible without the work of our dedicated volunteers.

Mrs. R. Navetha


Mrs. S. Keerthana


Mr. S. Kiranjohn


Projects we have done

The right way to live as a human being, Just help to those people really need your help.

Awards & Recognition

 Received BEST ORGANISATION AWARD from various personalities for our trust
humanity saving activities.